1. The changing climate creates more noise in the oceans - NIOZ
9 okt 2023 · "In some places, by the end of this century, the sound of ships, for example, will be five times as loud," the article's first author, NIOZ ...
Due to the changing climate, the underwater world is getting ever noisier. That is the main conclusion of a study that was published today in the scientifi…

2. Noise and Health
Review Articles · Individual and combined effects of noise exposure and diabetes mellitus on hearing · Occupational noise exposure and its effects among mill ...
Belojević, Goran
3. New Noise Magazine Abonnement - Tijdschriftenzo
New Noise Magazine is hét toonaangevende tijdschrift voor muziekliefhebbers dat de nieuwste trends en ontwikkelingen in de muziekwereld belicht. Met diepgaande ...
Jaarabonnement: 6 Nummers | Taal: Engels | Land: Verenigde Staten

4. NOISE Summer School 2024
22 mei 2024 · This year's NOISE summer school focuses on the topics of loss and grief by bringing perspectives from the fields of queer feminist, posthuman and eco-critical, ...
NOISE Summer School 2024 Queer Death Studies Loss and Grief in Contemporary Bio- and Necropolitics Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies 26 – 30 August 2024, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. How are grief, loss and death conceptualized in the fields

5. Noise exposure and public health - PMC
Exposure to noise constitutes a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that noise exposure can induce hearing impairment, hypertension and ...
Exposure to noise constitutes a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that noise exposure can induce hearing impairment, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep disturbance, and decreased school performance. For ...

6. News or Noise? The Missing Link - American Economic Association
Article Information. Abstract. The literature on belief-driven business cycles treats news and noise as distinct representations of agents' beliefs.
News or Noise? The Missing Link by Ryan Chahrour and Kyle Jurado. Published in volume 108, issue 7, pages 1702-36 of American Economic Review, July 2018, Abstract: The literature on belief-driven business cycles treats news and noise as distinct representations of agents' beliefs. We prove they are...
7. Noise Control Engineering Journal: Ingenta Connect Publication
NCEJ is a peer reviewed Technical journal published every two months. The papers published in NCEJ cover general topics related to noise control engineering ...
8. Noise News International - Institute of Noise Control Engineering
Noise News International is an online magazine published quarterly by INCE-USA and the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and ...
Noise News International is an online magazine published quarterly by INCE-USA and the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and reaches an international audience of decision-makers, engineer